Friday, May 4, 2012

TROY & MELVIN vs. GIANT SQUID (colored final)

Friday, April 20, 2012

Homework April 30

This week you ought to have started, if not completed 50% of the finale drawing for your comics, as well as created a dummy book the way I showed you last week.  Start considering a cover design, as well as what your table of contents/info page will look like.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Homework for April 16

This week you will need to have the storyboards cemented, they need to be finished so we can move onto final art by next week. Your story's should also include any dialog completed. Also revise your statements about your comics if I asked you too as well, this is important because you will need to be able to clearly speak about your ideas to publishers in the future.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Homework for April tenth

This week you will be starting your finals. The final will be to complete a mini comic. The content of the mini comic is up to you, can be fact/fiction, anything. For next week you will need to have completed a plot synopsis no more than one page long. Remember to keep it short, clear, and to the point. Next you will need to have completed character sketches, more than one, and Sketches of the setting. These should be done in color, and clear drawings. Lastly begin to storyboard out the plot, these can be loose, and do not need to tell the whole story yet, just need to give the sense of pacing, mood, basically showing how it's all going to look together.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

So sorry to be posting this so late, but to summarize the assignment this week, The assignment is to create to Characters, and use them to describe the same event, but from their own point of view. Think about what defines them as characters, what makes their speech unique, do they talk fast or slow, do they stutter, etc.. As for the type of people, make them dissimilar. Think Husband/ wife, employee/ employer, King/subject, master of the house/servant, business man/homeless man. They don't have to be people, they can be talking animals, aliens, inanimate objects, etc... Also, use what you have learned in other assignments, how does setting play a role, how does time period play a role. Consider the presentation, they could be discussing the event, you could show the event through the eyes of the person, think 911, you are a person on the street, you are in the towers, you are on the plane. Think of a break up, one person loves the other, but is not loved back, think of a hunter and a deer. Lot of different ways to deal with this, have fun!